Learn How to Live Well & Whole & Create Calm within Chaos with host Jill Wigmore-Welsh and her guests. This podcast can include interviews with wellbeing professionals and lessons in Feldenkrais, Mindfulness, Meditation, Bodywork, Somatics & Psychology www.jillwigmore-welsh.com

Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
GA Lesson 1 & 2
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
A very basic sitting rotation and a side lying & back lying basic lesson

Friday Jun 23, 2017
Neck Pain, Aches & Pain Simple Pain relief for the Office
Friday Jun 23, 2017
Friday Jun 23, 2017
Chronic and recurrent neck pain is very common, simple aches and pain in the big muscles at the base of the neck. This simple short recording can be done in the office, plane, train or the kitchen, you only need a desk or table, chair and some padding to go under your elbows.
Xxx Jill WW

Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Simple Relaxation for Beginners
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Relaxation is always good for a healthy brain, nervous system and health. Having a simple quick and easy way to relax is important. If you are a beginner, someone who hasn't learned the art of slowing down then take it at your own pace. If you are experienced but out of practice you will soon rediscover how to move into the relaxation zone
Sign up at my facebook groups
Jill Wigmore-Welsh Movement Liberation
Born To Move
Movement Liberation
The Feldenkrais Downloads
join me on twitter or linked in.
Love you all xxxxXXXxxxxxxx Jill

Friday Apr 28, 2017
Clinical Feldenkrais The Pelvic Clock with Jill Wigmore-Welsh
Friday Apr 28, 2017
Friday Apr 28, 2017
The classic pelvic clock lesson

Monday Mar 27, 2017
Lying in Bed Exploring Eyes
Monday Mar 27, 2017
Monday Mar 27, 2017
Lying Exploring Eyes
Hi, today I'm visiting a client who is 83 and she is too frightened to get out of bed, stand and walk.
When I go to see her I will be starting with some gentle work to not only find out where she is happy to move, but also to boost her confidence.
She has a history of starting to go off her feet before a fall some 4 months ago and vision is very important.
This kind of process is something you can explore with and imagine what it would be like to be confined to a bed all day. Notice what you can see if you move your head and if you dont.
Have fun and do come join me and everybody else at my Feldenkrais Facebook page

Thursday Dec 08, 2016
A Short Relaxation to Help with a Busy day or Conference Tensioning
Thursday Dec 08, 2016
Thursday Dec 08, 2016
This very short podcast is helpful if you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, in training, conferences or workshops. You will be working in standing and need a wall to lean on, shoes on or off in this one.
New website at www.artofhumanbeing.uk
Keep in touch via @physiophysio or @wigmore_welsh
All donations gratefully received to keep this project going.
Share as much as you like

Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Clinical Feldenkrais Sit to Stand with awareness; relaxation Jill Wigmore-Welsh
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
A 15 minutes process combining awareness of self use & gentle play during the simple process of sitting to standing with relaxation. This lesson is an excellent practice to use at the end of a busy day, at a break, even on a plane journey.

Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
First Stage in Shoulder Rehabilitation
Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
This podcast is a short intro to the basic components to consider when you first begin to plan a rehabilitation strategy for your upper limb.

Thursday May 19, 2016
Twisting on the Front Derived from AY 156
Thursday May 19, 2016
Thursday May 19, 2016
On the 25th May 2016 in Streatley at the Morrell Rooms the lesson will be recorded as a practical too be upoaded to youtube as a first trial at combining audio & video.

Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Hello Diaphragm
Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
This is a lesson in lying for a sunny day, or even a hospital stay. Make sure you are comfortable and wont be disturbed. It starts a little sharp but soon blends into a relaxing process

Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Breathing & Shifting Attention
Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Breathing, just how much attention do we give it when life is in balance? Its just an action we take for granted, our heart beats, we breathe.

Thursday Jan 21, 2016
Laughter for No Reason
Thursday Jan 21, 2016
Thursday Jan 21, 2016
Most every day laughter is part of my healthy practice. Most mornings when trotingt round my kitchen I have a great laugh. Laughter Yoga is a well established practice and I'm a certified Laughter Yoga Leader & Laughter Facilitator.

Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
Lying on Your Front Contact & Breathing
Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
Today I worked with a client who has been to see me for several years. He is a very keen runner and injured his calf on a 10K. After putting on my HCPC Registered PT hat and completing a full assessment of his injury, advising on management etc. we chatted about scanning & habits.

Friday Jan 15, 2016
Exercise can prevent Low Back Pain
Friday Jan 15, 2016
Friday Jan 15, 2016
Research shows that exercise reduces your risk of low back pain. If you click on the writing you can read the whole publication

Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Moving the Arm Hand on the Desk
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
This short lesson is performed in sitting at a desk with the arm supported on a table or surface. It is an easy process, but has some profound effects on the muscle activity in your hand, quietening your brain and nice for anyone rehabilitating after arm injury. Alternately this can help anyone who uses this hands and fingers at work, thats doing keyboard, texting, driving, gripping, pushing pulling.

Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
A little bit of background behind Feldenkrais
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
This isn't a movement lesson but it is a topic I'm interested in. I hope you are as well. If you want to explore more about Feldenkrais its nice to have some background on how it can fit with 2016.

Monday Jan 04, 2016
Post Fractures Moving the Arm Rehabilitation
Monday Jan 04, 2016
Monday Jan 04, 2016
As a HCPC registered PT/ Physical Therapist/Physiotherapist specialist in Rehabilitation my work frequently involves coaching people who have had life changing injuries. This process is not intended to be a medical treatment or therapy so please do get advice if needed from your physician. However all processes can be done in the imagination or with the unaffected arm. Thinking through movement processes will trigger cortical activity which a stage in activating movement memory.

Saturday Jan 02, 2016
Moving an Arm 2
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
This is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment, is you are not sure if its OK to physically do a lesson please ask your physician. However lessons can be done in the imagination.

Saturday Jan 02, 2016
Moving an Arm
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
This lesson is perfromed in sitting with an arm supported by the arm of the chair. As with all lessons this is not intended to be a medical intervention, if you are not sure if you are OK to do a lesson then check with your physician first. However any lesson can be done in the imagination or with an unaffected limb.

Monday Feb 16, 2015
Simply Sitting & Breathing Mindfully
Monday Feb 16, 2015
Monday Feb 16, 2015
Sitting at the desk a nice simple breathing process to develop mindful awareness of your body. a 13 minute break to recharge and attend to your rib cage

Monday Feb 02, 2015
Wag Your tail from Your Dorsal Fin
Monday Feb 02, 2015
Monday Feb 02, 2015
This is an exploring lesson in sitting and prone supported lying. You may need to take a braek half way through to find a way to re position. This also links to a blog I put up There are some diagram for skeletons which might help your imagination.

Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Neurological Feldenkrais : Start to Stand & Balance
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
This audio recording is done in sitting. You can either do the whole recording in your imagination if you have poor ability to move your legs. Alternately you can do 'a bit of both' , some in your imagination and some real time.

Monday Apr 07, 2014
Introduction to Feldenkrais for Neurological Issues
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Neurological problems affect many people. These include people who have had health issues such as a Stroke, MS, Parkinsons, Brain Injury and many other conditions. Neurological issues have an effect on the way people move and use their body. People can get tremor, balance issues, weakness, lack of sensation of increased sensation. Sometime neurological problems can be progressive over time other neurological conditions can improve with time.

Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Mirror work in standing or sitting
Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Feldenkrais essentially designed lessons which excluded the use of the visual sense. In this first exploration I combine the visual sense and the use of a mirror as a feedback tool, with the ability to feel patterns. I trust that you enjoy this slight difference and will load more combined sensing lessons in the future

Monday Jan 02, 2012
Pain Management 3
Monday Jan 02, 2012
Monday Jan 02, 2012
Pain Management 1 & 2 must becompleted prior to this part The series is not intended as a replacement for medical treatment but may help as part of a plan of managed care. The three processes are designed to be done in order

Monday Jan 02, 2012
Pain Management 2:
Monday Jan 02, 2012
Monday Jan 02, 2012
Pain Management 1 must be completed before progressing to this process and remember The series is not intended as a replacement for medical treatment but may help as part of a plan of managed care. The three processes are designed to be done in order

Monday Jan 02, 2012
Pain Management 1:
Monday Jan 02, 2012
Monday Jan 02, 2012
Chronic Pain can be a crippling disease and its management is both complex and expensive . Often people in pain are only offered drug treatment and this rarely helps to make lasting change to symptoms. This series of free downloads intruduces listeners to self management processes which can help to put them in control of their symptoms. These processes involve them in making to habits of thinking, perceiving and movement. This body mind approach is supported by evidence available from research into the neuroscience behind chronic pain. The series is not intended as a replacement for medical treatment but may help as part of a plan of managed care. The three processes are designed to be done in order

Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Post Arthrocopy continued 4
Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Progressing from the previous short podcasts this one introduces more movement developing from the previous podcast. Mainly in sitting you will gradually work using hands around knees to develop your flexibility in preparation for easy effortless standing

Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Post Knee Arthroscopy Continued
Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Continuing from the original two podcasts this develops the theme of reconnecting to your leg after surgery. An easy process which you may choose to do before or after surgery. Usual reminders about care when you have a medical condition ask advice from your physician or physical therapist ad take responsibility for your actions

Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
Post Arthroscopy 2
Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
Arthroscopic (or keyhole ) surgery is very common for people who have all manner of trouble with their joints. Knee arthroscopy is carried out for many conditions. This can include arthroscopy procedure as a diagnostic measure to clarify the cause of symptoms and also as a form of treatment where surgery can be carried out at the same time. If you are having symptoms such as swelling, locking, giving way or a sense of play or instability from a joint then you may well go in for an arthrospic review. People who have all stages of degenerative joint changes, cruciate ligament issues, cartilage tears & more may have arthroscopy. It is a fairly common procedure and this short series of lessons is designed to help you make a good recovery Succesful rehabilitation after surgery is dependent upon many factors. Some of those factors can be outside your control but there are some imporant processes which you can follow which will definately improve your chance of having the best outcome you can possibly achieve. As with any process directed toward a medical intervention you mustn't take risks. It would be foolish to cause yourself pain or take a risk, so if you are unsure whether you should do these processes, then ask your physician or physical therapist. During this process you will be working with guided imagery and the entire process is done in lying.

Tuesday Jul 05, 2011
Post arthroscopy or knee surgery early days
Tuesday Jul 05, 2011
Tuesday Jul 05, 2011
So many people have some form of knee surgery and this pod is written to be used in the early days when the muscles at the tops of your legs are not easily connected to your brain. Reduce your activity down to be aware of the effort you make, make it easier and easier. This process can also be used by people who have back pain hip pain or curiousity to discover how to stimulate their central nervous system to be more in contact with their thigh muscles

Monday Jun 27, 2011
Attended breathing
Monday Jun 27, 2011
Monday Jun 27, 2011
A simple 16 minute process exploring the differences in breathing focussing on the right the left side of the lungs. Attention is drawn to the movement of the spine in side flexion and also pressures on the chair. The lesson is done in sitting

Thursday Jun 17, 2010
Considering Walking
Thursday Jun 17, 2010
Thursday Jun 17, 2010
This lesson is designed to help you have a better understanding of your natural pattern of standing and stepping You will need a space about 3 by 4 metres to work in. You can practice with shoes on or off and it can be done inside at work or out in the green gym It last just 15 minutes and can be done in a short break

Monday Jun 14, 2010
Sliding Hands
Monday Jun 14, 2010
Monday Jun 14, 2010
This 16 minute process is helpful for neck and shoulder tensions and also to help you to ground yourself in the middle of a stressful day All done in sitting at your desk this lesson can be completed during a lunchbreak or while you wait for your coffee to cool down The movements are interspersed with some slow deep breathing to help you to calm a little If you are on Facebook then please do come and join the Feldenkrais Download Project

Tuesday Jun 08, 2010
Belly Breathing
Tuesday Jun 08, 2010
Tuesday Jun 08, 2010
Breathing is a natural thing. But how many folk give any thought to the way that they breathe ? Discovering how you breathe provides deep insight into the cause of your muscle aches and pain. How you respond to everyday life with physical tensioning is an important message from your body. Overlook the messages, maybe because they are so habitual that you cant feel them and your body will provide you with more and more messages. What we call stress is imbalance in our homeostasis, the balance between our physiology and the environment. This 15 minute lesson introduces belly breathing and draws attention to the way muscle tension changes as you breathe with the base of your lungs and top of your lungs. Jill Wigmore-Welsh

Friday Jun 04, 2010
Just Finger Tips
Friday Jun 04, 2010
Friday Jun 04, 2010
As my dog wanders around here as I record I am watching her gentle walking and remembering how we have developed our amazing hands from animal ancestors. A brief look at animal anatomy shows how similar the tendons and muscle configurations are. This lesson involves moving fingers and noticing You will be working on the right hand for the whole lesson. However if you wish you can do the whole lesson on the left hand or do the right hand then rewind and repeat for the left. Its up to you to choose to do exactly what you want Have lovely day Jill Wigmore -Welsh

Friday Jun 04, 2010
Drawing attention to your feet a short lesson
Friday Jun 04, 2010
Friday Jun 04, 2010
This short lesson is designed to be done at work. Wherever you sit working whether its at home or in an office you can use this process to help you have more awareness of your feet. During the lesson you will be given suggestions on differing placements of your foot and be encouraged to become more aware of your habits. This lesson is about 14 minutes long, you can stop the recording as you go through if you want more time to rest notice or observe. You could perhaps do the lesson on different days at different work set ups and in different shoes. Enjoy Jill Wigmore -Welsh

Monday Feb 15, 2010
Short Relaxation Sequence To Use in Pregnancy
Monday Feb 15, 2010
Monday Feb 15, 2010
This is a 10 minute relaxation sequence that I recorded for one of my stressed out Mum's who works all hours and needed something for herself. I recorded it a couple of years ago, and have done some Tension Release Hypnosis for use during childbirth. Its not so much in the public domain now as it was a couple of years ago, but if you ask I can arrange to send some along to you. Happy February

Friday Nov 13, 2009
1st Pod Easy Rotation in Sitting
Friday Nov 13, 2009
Friday Nov 13, 2009
This lesson is performed in sitting, and takes approximately 16 minutes. During the lesson you are introduced to the relationship between movements in your rib cage and head turning.

Monday Nov 09, 2009
Hypnosis Sleep A trance induction for sleep- Jill Wigmore-Welsh
Monday Nov 09, 2009
Monday Nov 09, 2009
This pod was written for a friend who has difficulty sleeping. While its not a Feldenkrais process, it is health promoting and could help you if you cant sleep easily.

Monday Nov 09, 2009
Eyes Side Side & Up Down
Monday Nov 09, 2009
Monday Nov 09, 2009
We use our eyes all our waking day. Our eyes lead the way when we move. We look and follow through with our whole body, this develops into a cascade of habits. This simple lesson can be practiced at a desk or in a chair, and helps to dehabituate and change the physiology in the muscles around our eyes

Monday Nov 09, 2009
Eyes on Strings
Monday Nov 09, 2009
Monday Nov 09, 2009
This lesson introduces some simple movements to enable you to to increase your awareness of your habitual patterns of using your eyes. Mostly performed with the eyes closed, this lesson encourages you to use your minds eye, and develop your spacial ability. This lesson is particularly useful if you use your laptop or screen a lot at work, because it helps you to focus at differing depths.

Monday Oct 13, 2008
On the Stomach Basic Lifting of Body Parts
Monday Oct 13, 2008
Monday Oct 13, 2008
This Feldenkrais lesson is performed mainly lying, on your front. You will find that your spinal flexibility and arm elevation is improved with this lesson

Monday Oct 13, 2008
Lifting of the Back with the Knees
Monday Oct 13, 2008
Monday Oct 13, 2008
Here is another free 25 minute Feldenkrais Lesson Download for you to try. This one is undertaken in lying, and will make changes to your ability to sit up from lying flat on your back

Friday Oct 03, 2008
Jill Wigmore-Welsh Clinical Feldenkrais Twisting the Body Around the Head
Friday Oct 03, 2008
Friday Oct 03, 2008
This first ATM lesson launched here on podbean. Turning the Body around the Head, a starter Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Lesson. You need to be able to lie on the floor, alternately front & then back. This lesson was recorded at home in Reading, Berkshire by Jill Wigmore-Welsh, and HPC registered Physiotherapist who is also a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner. With her typical English accent, and soft voice, take care to stay awake during the processes

Friday Oct 03, 2008
Introducing The Feldenkrais Method Jill Wigmore-Welsh
Friday Oct 03, 2008
Friday Oct 03, 2008
The Feldenkrais Method is still relatively unknown, despite the fact that Moshe Feldenkrais started teaching his classes over 40 years ago. This 24 minute introduction will give you some background on the two processes of Awareness Through Movement & Functional Integration and how they are involved in practicing the work.
In my work I use the term Body Sensing and Movement Awareness BSMA instead of Awareness Through Movement ATM. Mainly because there are two ways you can have lessons, one is a lessons, hands on when someone takes you through the movement and the other is a self directed lesson, you follow instructions.
Enjoy and learn more about me at JillWigmore-Welsh.com